I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to take full responsibility for myself and existence as myself – as it is the outflow of my acceptances and allowances and is thus in fact me
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to ‘not care’ within not wanting to be diverted from ‘my life path’ and ‘what I like’ – where I do not want to step away from doing that which I have defined within myself as that which I “like” and will avoid and ignore all points which I have defined within myself as that which I “do not like” – without ever seeing/realizing/understanding that these likes and dislikes came about through memory – where I for instance did not understand something which was being said on the news about economics and within that moment decided that “economics is not for me”, and where from this moment forth, this is what economics is to me – where I will only every see/view/interact/participate with economics with the preset idea that “it is not for me” – and thus never actually deal with economics itself, but only ever with my idea as my opinion which I bring up within myself each time I am faced with a point in relation to economics
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise, that the “decision” to ‘not like’ economics, was never a real decision made by me, but a preference which emerged from memory: where I in the past reacted to not understanding economics, and where the reaction which emerged there in itself was also the result of memory before that – and thus I have never ever really lived or made any decisions, but only ever lived as memory within and as value judgments towards everything and everyone in my world – where within every moment that I am not here breathing as the Real Character which is the Physical Body which is part of this entire Physical Existence – I am only living as memories and creating new memories through memories and within that never ever participating and interacting with the real world – as I am the prisoner in Plato’s cave – only seeing the shadows as my opinions, ideas and beliefs – and never ever seeing, feeling, touching the real thing – as that which really matters, which is this Physical Earth and all physical bodies on Earth – and ensuring its optimum functioning
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that personal likes and dislikes created through memory are really irrelevant when one’s goal is to change the world, including self – as personal likes and dislikes as opinion is that which divides us and moves us away from that which we all share: which is the physical -- and our Human Physical Bodies as the Real Characters – and within that I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise the importance of taking care of all beings Real Character equally as the Physical plane we all share, which is the ONLY real reality and the only reality which should be of importance to each and every single one of us
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to try and attempt to hide from economics – which is like trying to avoid seeing my reflection in reflective surfaces – as what I am trying to hide from is myself, as this very world and existence came about through our agreement to give more value to thought as energy, as entertainment, instead of focusing on the only real value which is Life, here as the physical
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise – that within me not being in conflict with the economic system and the world, I am in fact agreeing and giving it permission to exist
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I can afford to ‘not know about economics’, within the belief that economics does not affect my Li(f)e as wants, needs and desires – without seeing/realising/understanding that economics within this world is that which defines, shapes and forms my life – but since I was born in an environment with money to sustain myself, I don’t care about anything or anyone else, as I am in a position to entertain my thoughts and follow the energies as feelings and emotions within me – drifting away from the real world and the real suffering taking place every single day
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that that which really matters is the Real Character within and as the Physical, and within that I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to have seen/realized my responsibility within ensuring that all Real Characters as Physical Bodies are equally taken care off as myself – and thus I must make it my quest to ensure that all physical bodies as myself are equally taken care off through educating myself on the system which drives and defines this wellbeing through the channelling of money as our economic system – so I may see/realise/understand how it actually operates and correct the flaws within the economic system as I correct them within myself within taking responsibility and embracing the Real Character as the Physical – to make sure that we establish an Economic System of Care, which ensures everyone’s wellbeing within the understanding of that which really matters, which is that which is always Here as this Physical Existence – while thoughts, emotions, feelings, energy, likes and dislikes end at the point of Death, and can thus be completely disregarded
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to place the responsibility of fixing the Mess we created on Earth upon the shoulder of others – without seeing and realising that we created this Mess through collective agreement, and thus it will require collective agreement Breath by Breath to Clean up our Mess as we re-create the current World of Abuse to a World that’s Best for All – which is the only Creation worthwhile investing in. And within that I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realise my responsibility and live my responsibility Breath by Breath within correcting myself and this existence as myself – the same way as I moment by moment through only ever living within and through Memories and various different Characters, created this Mess in the first Place
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that within wanting others to “fix the problem” – I am in fact signing away my right to Life, as within the statement of not wanting to take responsibility – I state that I do not care – and thus, others should not care about me – and within that place myself within the position of slave where I am bound to go through whatever it is others decide for me, and within that I have no right to complain, because after all: I signed away my right to Life
I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see and realise that living a Li(f)e where I do not take responsibility and am an absolute slave by my own doing – is not a nice way to go through life – and thus I stop and I embrace responsibility within the realization/understanding that, that which I require to take responsibility for is Equal and One to and as my nature as that which I require to face and correct within myself – which is the only way we can ever correct this World for real, anything less would be a delusion – and so I/we walk, Breath by Breath, correcting ourselves and this moment with every Breath we take as our Commitment to Life
Commitment Statements to follow within next blog
Thanks Leila!