Have you Ever been Swept Off Your Feet?

In both cases – whether the bubble was inflated with positive or negative energy – the participants in the bubble are being swept away further and further away from actual physical reality and start to see everything either ‘extremely negatively’ or ‘extremely positively’ – neither experience is grounded in reality – because the physical is neither positive or negative – it just is what it is.

30 January 2013

Day 182: Will we be Feeding the Fat Cats in Equal Money Capitalism?

Eskom, the South African electricity provider, has been saddling its customers with massive price increases and more to come: "One of the reasons Eskom is applying for an electricity hike is because the average annual salary of one of its employees is expected to be R820,000 in 2017 and 2018, according to a report on Saturday.Beeld newspaper reported that Eskom’s total salaries for about 45,600 employees at that time would be about R37 billion.These...

27 January 2013

Day 181: Applied Equality in Equal Money Capitalism

Within the current socio-economic system and liberal ideology – human beings are held as being of ‘equal value’. This equality is only held as a form of ‘abstract equality’ where in thought one can think of others as having ‘equal value’, but where in word and deed, this equality is not expressed.People are thus not equally valued on the premise of Life, but are valued in so far that they have particular talents and skill sets. Since not everyone...

26 January 2013

Day 180: The Word 'Capitalism' in 'Equal Money Capitalism'

The Problem If we want to correct the current capitalistic system, we have to correct the very starting point as what drives capitalism at the moment. And to do this, we look at the meaning of the word 'Capitalism' and what the origin is of the word in terms of how it is currently defined - as this will reveal the essence of the problem from which all the inadequate consequences of the current economic system as 'capitalism' flow. Once we see...

23 January 2013

Day 179: Resource-ism, not racism, lies behind SA's race talk

For more context please read:Resource-ism, not racism, lies behind SA's race talk The Problem: “The issue is not about racism anymore, but that's how it comes across because resources are still divided along racial lines in South Africa. It is about resource-ism. Who has the easiest access to resources, who has the greatest means and who benefits the most from them? This is what is causing the greatest unease in South Africa. We talk about the...

21 January 2013

Day 178: Zuma says to benefactors: "Everything you touch will multiply" - EMC will End Corruption

For more context, please read Jo'burg's R1bn 'present' to Zuma benefactor. The Problem At the ANC anniversary gala dinner, President Zuma of South Africa made the statement that "wise" businessmen who support the ANC could expect that everything they touch would multiply. In the Mail & Guardian, this has been called a 'controversial remark' - but is it really controversial if everyone is doing it?Whoever supports Zuma will receive support in...

19 January 2013

Day 177: Will there still be Retrenchment in Equal Money Capitalism?

For context, please read:Amplats should cut costs rather than retrench, says Amcuhttp://mg.co.za/article/2013-01-18-00-amplats-should-cut-costs-rather-than-retrench-says-amcu The Problem “The Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union has called on government to intervene in Anglo Platinum's plans to retrench 14 000 employees.It has also called for government to revoke the mining licences of the soon to be mothballed shafts in Rustenburg,...