Have you Ever been Swept Off Your Feet?

In both cases – whether the bubble was inflated with positive or negative energy – the participants in the bubble are being swept away further and further away from actual physical reality and start to see everything either ‘extremely negatively’ or ‘extremely positively’ – neither experience is grounded in reality – because the physical is neither positive or negative – it just is what it is.

31 December 2012

Day 164: Equal Money Capitalism - Preparing the Road for Change

Note: The EMC is an entirely new project that was started 3 days ago. We’re at the moment in the phase where we are brainstorming by answering questions. It’s a messy process – but an effective one to get all the relevant points addressed. So – also note that points will evolve and change as we go as we are not setting things in stone, but on a journey towards designing the EMC. The principles upon which EMC is based are laid out in the previous...

30 December 2012

Day 163: Equal Money Capitalism - Redefining Profit

Note: The EMC is an entirely new project that was started 2 days ago. We’re at the moment in the phase where we are brainstorming by answering questions. It’s a messy process – but an effective one to get all the relevant points addressed. So – also note that points will evolve and change as we go as we are not setting things in stone, but on a journey towards designing the EMC. The principles upon which EMC is based are laid out in the previous...

28 December 2012

Day 162: EQUAL MONEY CAPITALISM - The Way Forward

Equal Money Capitalism Equal Money Capitalism will be the necessary transition step to as a global society towards establishing an Equal Money System as presented at www.equalmoney.org. We are thus here starting a project of investigating what Capitalism should be like according to its very own principles - and thus, what requires to be adjusted within the current Capitalistic system to make it a system that works for everyone. Within this...

25 December 2012

Day 161: The Principle of Equality within an Equal Money System

The principle of Equality is directly linked to the principle of Honoring the Right to Life.Within our current socioeconomic and political system, Life is not valued as a Right, but something each one has to ‘earn’, and within that it has become a privilege. Money has become the medium through which one is able to access those goods and services that ensure one’s subsistence. One’s ‘Right to Life’ is not a given, but restricted to those who have...

22 December 2012

Day 160 - Stewardship in an Equal Money System

Stewardship Nature and Symbiosis When left to operate naturally, the plant and animal world exist in a symbiotic relationship with each other. Symbiosis is, in essence, a giving and receiving – a form of value exchange. When all parts of nature are allowed to exist in a symbiotic way – they together exist as a massive and complex life-support system, which human beings are meant to be a part of. A profit-driven system has altered how we...

18 December 2012

Day 159: Energy and Equal Money – Blind Spot

Watch the documentary ‘Blind Spot’ for further perspective and background on the issue of energy: With all the information that we have available on energy and the pace that we as society are currently extracting and consuming energy – we know one thing for sure: this cannot last. We’ve constructed an entire society and lifestyle based on the availability of fossil fuels as if they are never ending, while in fact they are limited and will run...

15 December 2012

Day 158: Prevention is the Best Cure - Equal Money System

Prevention is the Best Cure Decision-making within an Equal Money System will adhere to the Constitutional Principle of ‘Prevention is the Best Cure’. This implies that with every decision made, all possible ramifications, consequences and outflows must be considered in order to design the policies and regulations in a way that do not cause unnecessary harm to the current or future generations of plants, animals and humans. The moment disharmony...