Have you Ever been Swept Off Your Feet?

In both cases – whether the bubble was inflated with positive or negative energy – the participants in the bubble are being swept away further and further away from actual physical reality and start to see everything either ‘extremely negatively’ or ‘extremely positively’ – neither experience is grounded in reality – because the physical is neither positive or negative – it just is what it is.

02 April 2015

Meconomics: Fear of Missing Out and Opportunity Cost – Part 2

This blog-post is a continuation to: "Meconomics": ME-EconomicsMeconomics: Fear of Missing Out and Opportunity Cost Read the above posts first for context. In the previous post I had a look at the concept of opportunity cost and how we ‘make use’ of this concept in our language and daily living, or in other words – how the concept of opportunity cost is embedded in our psychological make-up and how it plays a role specifically when we make decisions....